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No extra registration at Idea.Informer required

I do not really understand why I need to sign up for a third service as idea.informer.com if I just want to give feedback to primarypad.com.
The authentification process could be handled under the hood between the to services, thus I would not need to bother about it (at least I should have the choice to log in with my primary pad account, if people already have an idea.informer.com account).
Also that commenting works but adding new suggestion does not without any explanation message as long as you do not have confirmed your Idea.Informer account made me quite annoyed about this feedback function.
Only my wish to help primary pad as etherpad server to improve and get better to gain more traction kept me going across the hurdles...

JanKlostermann, 17.12.2012, 17:45
Idea status: completed


markfisher, 17.12.2012, 22:31

You do not have to signup to idea.informer to give feedback you can provide an idea without signup just an email address.

We use idea informer because it is free, easy to use and integrates with our setup. In the past we have tried many others but we have not found any as good as idea informer.
JanKlostermann, 18.12.2012, 08:31
I did not find this way and suggestions I tried to make were swallowed without comment until I not only signed in but also confirmed after I received the registration email...
But maybe I just took the one way out of the possible ones that does not work as I thought.

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