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be able to name my wall

Jill , 09.10.2011, 23:41
Idea status: rejected


johnyma22, 10.10.2011, 11:46
By wall do you mean Pad or do you mean a PrimaryWall?
Jill, 10.10.2011, 12:24
I meant the individual walls I have on PrimaryWall. I'm currently working with three different walls that are labeled 1, 2, 3. I would like to be able to name them so I can navigate easier. Thank you!
johnyma22, 06.11.2011, 14:34
This should be placed on the PrimaryWall feedback page.
josh, 06.11.2011, 14:39
You can find the Primary Wall feedback page here: http://primarywall.idea.informer.com/

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